I had my 8th month check-up on Friday afternoon and we got to see our final sonogram of Ramsey. He was packed like a sardine in my tummy and had his hands covering his face so we couldn't see him, however the technician checked out all his body parts and everything is in good shape. His measurements show him to be weighing approximately 6lbs8oz. Yes....that's right! He's going to be a BIG BOY. My jaw dropped when she told us the weight. I'm hoping that the machine was weighing heavy that day! LOL. Ramsey's heartbeat was at a strong 151bpm & I am weighing and measuring within all normal ranges.
Ramsey's due date is still set for December 15th, however I have a feeling he will be making his debut a bit sooner. I have certainly reached "that point" in the past few days and am beginning to feel more uncomfortable and irritable. Of course, my emotions are on a HUGE roller coaster right now and I myself never know when I'm going to burst out in tears or turn red with frustration. I've found myself "nesting" at work as well....preparing my lesson plans for the next several weeks and trying to get my room in an order that will allow for the substitute to have a smooth transition into my room. I must say, however, that I'm very nervous about leaving my students. I know I will miss them greatly and because I'm so bossy and controlling (Hey! At least I can admit it, right?!) it irks me to think of someone else being in "my territory". Silly, I know!
My mom is preparing for a new change in her life as well. She will be moving to the Plano area and will be keeping Ramsey for Shaun and I after we return to work. We are very lucky to have her as we know Ram will be in good hands and receive lots of attention from his "Momo".