Update on The Washington Family
Ramsey: 32 months
counting to 20, knows all shapes and colors, knows his days of the week, potty-training, loves being "mommy's helper", enjoys reading books, can work an iphone, computer, ipad, and his tv/dvd player all by himself, loves snuggling up and watching movies, favorite saying is "what?! almooooooost".
Raiden: 21 months
counting to 10, knows most shapes and colors, is trouble-trouble with a capital T, loves to play jokes, likes to watch Baby Can Read, enjoys books and loves to dance to music, potty-training and doing great! favorite saying is "be right back".
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Beginning to Show
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day
Speaking of emotions...everything makes me "emotional" these days. A song, a child in my class, a look from Shaun. I even cried when someone offered to throw my plate away for me last Friday after lunch. Yes, I'm a wreck. The fluctuation of hormones in my body has taken a new toll on my life....and Shaun's.
I'm now in my 9th week of pregnancy and am battling sleepless nights and nauseated days on a regular basis. I struggle with eating and am trying to do "the cracker thing" in the mornings to settle my tummy but it just doesn't seem to work. I'm definitely looking forward to the 2nd trimester....those are supposed to be the "happy times"...or so I hear. I don't have any major cravings right now; food is more of a turn-off, however when I am licking my chops, I seem to be licking them for hashbrowns. McDonald's hashbrowns are the best! Shaun, the health nut, constantly worries about my eating habits and has even bought me a vegetable vitamin and a fruit vitamin to take on a daily basis. Those of you who know Shaun are probably laughing.....yes, he's one of kind.
Shaun is dead set on the baby being a boy and talks to my tummy daily to tell his "son" how much he loves him. Of course, that too, makes me tear up. Shaun has been very pampering to me and though I don't deserve it, I am so grateful for his help around the house and willingness to have patience with me. I, on the other hand, think the baby is a girl and can't wait to watch her play tennis and beat up the boys on the playground. Either way, boy or girl, our hope is that we have a healthy baby. I never knew pregnancy would bring on so much worry.....all I do is think about what the baby will look like, if it will be healthy, will I be a good mom, and most of all how much I love this alien in my tummy....even though we've never met. It's amazing.
We visited our friend Aly (see Scott Family Blog link) on Saturday and babysat her twin girls while she and her family did some packing. They are getting ready to move to a new home. Shaun experienced his first baby feeding and did a great job. It was neat to watch him hold the girls and play with them, but especially touching to watch him rock one of them to sleep in his arms. I look forward to the day I get to see him do that with our child.
My next doctor's appointment is Monday, May 19th. It seems I have been to the doctor quite a bit since finding out I was pregnant. Being a kindergarten teacher, I have been exposed to lots of "fun" things at school that have put me at some risk and I have had to report in more than usual to the doc. The large outbreak of chicken pox, students with poison ivy, rashes growing on my arm unexpectantly, and not so good bloodwork results have kept me on the phone and in the office for check-ups pretty often. Luckily, I'm doing fine, and the baby seems to be great as well. I do have to get a shot in the near future to help boost my antibodies so I'm able to fight off infections should I be exposed to other diseases.
More updates to come....keep checking back. With love always....Penny & Shaun.